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I am experienced in working with infants, children, teens, new mothers, and adults. I value helping people find a balance in their relationships and in improving their quality of life
Therapy for children is some of the most important and rewarding work that can be done and that is why it is an area I am so passionate about. Effective therapy for children begins with a working relationship between the therapist and the parents. Parents are the most important teachers, role models and coaches for young children and teens. When a child is referred to me, I will request an initial meeting with both parents in order to better understand the presenting problems and concerns. This meeting provides the therapist and the parents an opportunity to create a collaborative plan that will help the child thrive both at home and in the therapeutic sessions. Additionally, working with parents without the child present can help improve parenting interventions and discipline techniques. However, during the therapeutic process, I do work closely with parents in either parent sessions or family sessions as well. This helps repair and strengthen the parent/child or family relationship.
When working with children, talk therapy is not necessarily the best approach. I use other methods such as play therapy, art, imagery and sand tray. Play therapy is a psycho-therapeutic treatment approach developed to help children resolve problems though the use of therapeutic play. Our room is specifically designed to to encourage the safe expression of feelings while also promoting healthier behaviors. I use strength based interventions, teach stress reduction exercises, and use play therapy and therapeutic games to develop healthy communication and coping tools. If your child is struggling with anxiety, depression, social skills, acting out, gender or identity concerns, trauma, conflicts with peers or difficulty with friendships, I can help.